1993年,李秀梅移民澳洲。赴澳后,她深耕中文教育27年,一直奋斗在教育一线。她曾担任墨尔本新金山中文学校,东南校区(Nazareth College)校长的职务。在其任职的14年间,曾获新金山优秀教师称号,她管理的教师团队在校内外获得了良好的口碑。
李秀梅女士同时担任暨南大学墨尔本校友会名誉会长,凯西友谊联合会会长,维州华人联合会监事,维州华人妇女协会理事等职务。虽已年近花甲,她仍热衷于为华人子弟留根工程—中文教育奉献力量,热情地为弘扬优秀的中华文明而坚持不懈,矢志不渝,把近三十年的青春岁月, 无私地奉献给了促进澳中两国的友谊发展之上, 奉献给了传承中华民族优秀文化之上。
Ms. Li Xiumei graduated from Ji Nan University (JNU), one of the oldest and most influential universities in China, with the largest number of overseas students. After graduation, Ms. Li was working at JNU as a lecturer.
Since her immigration to Australia in 1993, Ms. Li has been heavily involved in education and has over 27 years of experience and knowledge. This led to her working in leadership roles and thus, she served as the principal for the famous Xin Jin Shan Chinese School at the Melbourne Southeast Campus (Nazareth College) for 14 years. During this time, she was the recipient of many accolades and awards, including the “Teaching Excellence Award”. Ms. Li has an excellent reputation among the Chinese School community. She is regarded as a respected and experienced teacher and leader and well-regarded amongst all involved communities.
The school is now supported by the JNU Alumni Association Melbourne. Under her leadership, the school has grown quickly in a short period of time, with strong teaching teams and comprehensive programs. So far, there are 2 campuses with >300 students already, with the aim of expanding in other communities.
In addition to her excellent achievements in promoting and teaching Chinese Language and Culture in schools, Ms. Li Xiumei is also actively engaged in the local community, organising and participating in various social welfare activities to promote Chinese culture. She successively established the Casey Friendship Association, Casey Chorus, Casey Qipao Club and other associations.
She also established the “Neighbourhood Watch and Aid Group” to support the residents of Casey. Under her leadership, the group has successfully organised several large-scale gala events, such as "Splendid Moonlight" party, "Lantern Festival Reunion", "Love in the Mid-Autumn Festival", and "Respect for the Elderly Party" etc., which were all highly praised by the community and leaders. The Neighbourhood Watch and Aid Group has become an influential Chinese association.
Ms. Li Xiumei also serves on many boards and committees. She is the Honorary President of JNU Alumni Association Melbourne branch, President of the Casey Friendship Association, Supervisor of the Victorian Chinese Federation, and Director of the Victorian Chinese Women's Association. Ms. Li is very passionate and enthusiastic about promoting Chinese culture and Language.